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Welcome to NIELIT e-Learning Portal

With the shift towards the knowledge society, changes in working conditions and the high-speed evolution of information and communication technologies, peoples' knowledge and skills need continuous up-dating. Learning, based on collaborative working, creativity, multidisciplinarity, adaptiveness, intercultural communication and problem solving, has taken on an important role in everyday life. The learning process is becoming pervasive, both for individuals and organisations, in formal education, in the professional context and as part of leisure activities. Learning should be accessible to every citizen, independent of age, education, social status and tailored to his/her individual needs.

With this goal in view, NIELIT e-Learning portal provides access to the various modules of NIELIT courses such as O/A/B/C Level, ESDM, e-Governance, IT Literacy courses like CCC, BCC etc. Students wishing to access the content can register with the portal by following the “Login” link. The steps to be followed for registration, viewing available content, chatting with online users etc are provided in “How it Works” link. The list of modules available in the portal is provided after successful registration and login. Common queries on use of this portal is available under “FAQ’s” while common security measures that one must follow while using this portal is available under “Do’s and Dont’s” link